言う, 云う, 謂う, いう, ゆう
Conjugated: 言った
Godan verb
1. to say, to utter, to declare
2. to name, to call
Only 言う
3. to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"), to make a noise
そういった, そう言った
Expression, See そういう, Usually in kana
like that, this type
こういった, こう言った
Expression, See こういう, Usually in kana
this sort of, this type of
といった, と言った
Conjunction, Usually in kana
such ... as, or some such
言ったって, 言たって, いったって
even if I told you
ああいった, ああ言った
Expression, Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi), See ああいう, Usually in kana
that sort of, like that
これといった, これと言った
Expression, Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi), Usually in kana, usu. with neg. sentence
(any) particular, special, particularly noteworthy, worth mentioning
言った言わない, いったいわない
he said, she said
なんといったって, 何と言ったって
Expression, See なんてったって, Usually in kana
no matter what, whatever you say, in the end
といったらない, と言ったらない
Expression, Usually in kana
very ..., nothing more ... than this, as ... as it could possibly be
と言ったら嘘になる, といったらうそになる
Expression, Godan verb
I'd be lying if I said ...