いく, 行く, 往く, ゆく
Conjugated: 行け
Godan verb, Intransitive, See 来る・1
1. to go, to move (towards), to head (towards), to leave (for)
2. to move through, to travel across, to walk along (e.g. a road)
3. to go (well, badly, etc.), to proceed, to turn out, to get along
oft. as で〜
4. to do (in a particular way), to go (with; a choice), to try
5. to pass (of time, seasons, etc.), to go by
いけません, 行けません
Expression, See 行けない・1, Usually in kana
1. wrong, not good, of no use
See 行けない・4
2. hopeless, past hope
See 行けない・2
3. must not do
4. cannot go
行け行け, いけいけ, イケイケ
1. high spirits, high energy, go-go mood, eagerness, enthusiasm, excitement
2. go!, go-man-go!
Colloquialism, dated term, esp. イケイケ
3. fashionably clothed and assertive (esp. of a woman), flashy
4. adjoining (rooms)
それいけ, それ行け, それゆけ
Interjection, Usually in kana
go, go go, get to it, up and at 'em
あっち行け, あっちいけ
get away from me!
ついていける, 付いて行ける
Expression, Ichidan verb, Usually in kana
to keep in pace with, to keep up with, to follow (someone's thought), to understand
いける, 行ける, イケる
Ichidan verb, Intransitive, Usually in kana
1. to be good (at), to go well
2. to look (taste, etc.) good
3. to hold one's liquor, to be able to hold one's drink
いけない, 行けない
Expression, Usually in kana
1. bad, wrong, naughty
after the -te form of a verb or adjective
2. must not (do, be), should not, ought not to
3. useless, no good
4. hopeless, beyond hope
used to express sympathy
5. unfortunate, a shame, a pity
行けども行けども, いけどもいけども
as (one) walks on, and on
ないといけない, ないと行けない
Expression, See なくてはいけない・2, Usually in kana, after negative base of verb
1. have to (verb), must (verb)
See なくてはいけない・1
2. is indispensable, absolutely necessary
ないといけません, ないと行けません
Expression, See ないといけない・1, Usually in kana, after negative base of verb
1. have to (verb), must (verb)
See ないといけない・2
2. is indispensable, is absolutely necessary
三人行けば必ず我が師有り, 3人行けば必ず我が師あり, さんにんゆけばかならずわがしあり
Expression, Proverb, from the Analects of Confucius
something can be learned from anyone, if three walk together, I'll have a teacher
いける口, いけるくち
Expression, See いける・3
drinker, person who can hold their drink