苦労, 苦勞, くろう
Takes suru
1. trouble, hardship, difficulty, labour, labor, toil, pains
2. anxiety, worry, concern, cares
気苦労, きぐろう
NA-adjective, Takes suru, Intransitive
worry, care, anxiety, mental exhaustion
苦労人, くろうにん
worldly-wise man
ご苦労, 御苦労, ごくろう
See 苦労・1, Polite
1. trouble (I have put you through), (your) hard work
Expression, See ご苦労さま, usu. to one's subordinate
2. thank you (for your hard work), I appreciate your efforts
取り越し苦労, とりこしぐろう, とりこしくろう
Takes suru, Intransitive
overanxiety, needless worry
艱難苦労, かんなんくろう
trials and tribulations, adversities, suffering hardships and troubles
一苦労, ひと苦労, ひとくろう
Takes suru, Intransitive
a hard time, pains
ご苦労さん, 御苦労さん, ごくろうさん
I appreciate your efforts
苦労し抜く, くろうしぬく
Godan verb
to go through all sorts of hardships
ご苦労様, ご苦労さま, 御苦労様, 御苦労さま, ごくろうさま
Expression, NA-adjective, See お疲れ様・1, Polite, usu. to one's subordinate
thank you (for your hard work), I appreciate your efforts
苦労をかける, 苦労を掛ける, くろうをかける
Expression, Ichidan verb
to cause someone trouble, to burden someone
苦労性, くろうしょう
May take 'no', NA-adjective
nervous temperament, worry habit, pessimistic nature, pessimism
若い時の苦労は買うてもせよ, 若いときの苦労は買うてもせよ, わかいときのくろうはこうてもせよ
Expression, Proverb
spare no effort while you are young, heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age
若い時の苦労は買ってもせよ, 若いときの苦労は買ってもせよ, わかいときのくろうはかってもせよ
Expression, Proverb
spare no effort while you are young, heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age