署名 , しょめい
Takes suru , Intransitive
する , 為る
Conjugated: させた
Usually in kana
1. to do , to carry out , to perform
2. to cause to become , to make (into) , to turn (into)
3. to serve as , to act as , to work as
4. to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.)
as 〜にする,〜とする
5. to judge as being , to view as being , to think of as , to treat as , to use as
せる , させる
Conjugated: させた
Auxiliary verb , Ichidan verb , ~せる connects to -nai stem of 五段 verbs and to サ変 as さ~せる; ~させる connects to -nai stem of 一段 and カ変 verbs and to サ変 as せ~させる
1. auxiliary verb indicating the causative voice
2. auxiliary verb indicating the granting of permission to do something
Honorific or respectful , as 〜(さ)せられる, あら〜せられる, 〜(さ)せ給う, etc.
3. auxiliary verb used as an honorific for others' actions
Conjugated: させた
Ichidan verb , Transitive , See する・1
1. to make (someone) do
2. to allow (someone) to do
刺す , さす
Conjugated: させた
Godan verb , Transitive
1. to pierce , to stab , to prick , to stick , to thrust
rarely also written 螫す
2. to sting , to bite
3. to sew , to stitch , to embroider
See 差す・11
4. to pole (a boat)
5. to catch (with a limed pole)
指す , さす
Conjugated: させた
Godan verb , Transitive
1. to point
2. to nominate , to select someone , to specify some person
3. to identify , to indicate , to point out
Shogi term
4. to play (a game of shogi) , to move (a piece)
See 差す・7
5. to extend one's arm straight ahead (in dance)
差す , さす
Conjugated: させた
Godan verb , Intransitive , See 射す
1. to shine
2. to be visible
3. to be tinged with
4. to rise (of water levels) , to flow in
See 気が差す , See 魔が差す
5. to be felt (i.e. as an emotion) , to come over one
Conjugated: させた
Godan verb , Transitive
1. to make (someone) do
2. to allow (someone) to
Auxiliary verb , aux. verb indicating the causative
3. to let , to cause
aux. verb indicating the granting of permission
4. to be permitted to
Honorific or respectful , aux. verb used as an honorific for others' actions
5. to do
注す , 点す , さす
Conjugated: させた
Godan verb , Transitive , See 差す・さす・12 , esp. 注す
1. to pour , to add (liquid) , to serve (drinks)
See 差す・さす・13 , esp. 点す
2. to put on (lipstick, etc.) , to apply , to colour , to dye
See 差す・さす・14
3. to light (a fire) , to burn
射す , さす
Conjugated: させた
Godan verb , Intransitive , See 差す・1
to shine
挿す , さす
Conjugated: させた
Godan verb , Transitive , See 差す・8
1. to insert , to put in
See 挿し木
2. to plant (a cutting) , to strike
See 挿し花
3. to arrange (flowers)
See 差す・9
4. to wear (a sword) in one's belt
See 鎖す
5. to shut , to close , to lock , to fasten
止す , さす
Conjugated: させた
Suffix , Godan verb , See 差す・さす・16 , after the -masu stem of a verb
to stop in the midst of , to leave undone