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締め, 〆, しめ, シメ
1. tying up, binding, fastening, tightening
2. total, sum
3. conclusion (e.g. of a gathering), end, finish, rounding off
4. final meal after a drinking party
Food term
5. dish made after eating a hot pot by adding rice or noodles to the leftover broth
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締め切り, 締切, 締切り, しめきり
also written as 〆切(り)
1. deadline, closing, cut-off
also written as 閉め切り
2. closing (a door, window, etc.)
3. cofferdam
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締め, しめる
Ichidan verb, Transitive, Antonym: 緩める・1
1. to tie, to fasten, to tighten
2. to wear (necktie, belt), to put on
See 〆る・しめる・1
3. to total, to sum
See 緊める・しめる
4. to be strict with
5. to economize, to economise, to cut down on
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締め切る, 閉め切る, 〆切る, 閉切る, 締切る, しめきる
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to close up, to shut up (e.g. behind doors)
usu. 締め切る
2. to cut off (e.g. because a deadline has expired), to close off (e.g. subscription list)
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引き締め, 引締め, ひきしめ
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締め出す, 閉め出す, しめだす
Godan verb, Transitive
to shut out, to bar, to lock out, to exclude
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引き締め, 引きしめる, 引締め, ひきしめる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to tighten, to stiffen, to brace, to strain
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締めくくる, 締め括る, しめくくる
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to bring to a finish
2. to bind firmly
3. to superintend
締めくくり, 締め括り, しめくくり
1. conclusion, end, finish, settlement, summary, summing up, rounding off
2. supervision, management, control
握り締め, 握り緊める, 握りしめる, にぎりしめる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to grasp tightly
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締め付け, 締めつけ, 締付け, 締付, しめつけ
pressure, clamping, tightening, fastening
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締め出し, 閉め出し, 締出し, 閉出し, しめだし
shutout, shutting out, lock-out, freeze-out
締め, 元締, もとじめ
1. manager, controller, administrator
2. chief treasurer
3. boss (of a gambling den)
締め付ける, 締めつける, 締付ける, しめつける
Ichidan verb, Transitive
1. to tighten, to fasten tight, to constrict, to compress
2. to control strictly, to put pressure on, to squeeze (e.g. an economy), to oppress
締め, 板締, いたじめ
itajime technique, resist-dyeing technique in which folded fabric is clamped between two boards
締め, おじめ
string-fastener, drawstring on pouch or purse (handbag)
締め, どうじめ
1. scissors maneuver (in wrestling, judo, etc.), scissors manoeuvre
2. belt, waistband
締め, そうじめ
the total
締め, 締高, 〆高, 乄高, しめだか
sum, total
締め, ねじめ
1. pounding down earth around the roots of a tree
2. adding short branches of flowers to the base of an arrangement in ikebana
締め, しめて
in all, all told
締め, つなしめ
See 綱・つな・2, Sumo term
putting on the tsuna
締め, 締めしろ, しめしろ
interference, jamming
締め, 締日, 〆日, しめび
See 締め切り日
deadline, time limit, closing day, settlement day (payment), cut-off date
しめひも, 締め, 締めひも
Usually in kana
adjustable strap, bracer, lacing
締め, みずしめ, みずじめ
May take 'no'
water-binding, compaction by watering, hydraulic filling, hydraulic tilling
締め, のじめ
May take 'no'
1. killing one's catch on the spot (e.g. a bird)
2. killing a fish immediately to preserve its freshness
締め, かりじめ
temporary tightening (during assembly), fit-up bolting
締め, てじめ
ceremonial hand-clapping (e.g. at end of event, meeting, etc.)
締め, 締具, しめぐ
clamp, clasp, fastener, binding
締め, なかじめ
1. closing mid-way
2. taking a break mid-way through an event, sometimes with ceremonial hand-clapping
締め, かんじめ
exposing greenhouse-grown fruit and vegetables to cold before harvesting
三本締め, さんぼんじめ
See 一本締め・いっぽんじめ・1
threefold repetition of the "ipponjime" 3-3-3-1 hand-clapping pattern to celebrate a conclusion or completion