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立派, りっぱ
1. splendid, fine, handsome, elegant, imposing, prominent, impressive
2. praiseworthy, creditable, worthy
3. legal, legitimate, lawful
4. undeniable (e.g. crime), indisputable, solid
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, , ,
Only な, Particle, prohibitive; used with dictionary form verb
1. don't
imperative (from なさい); used with -masu stem of verb
2. do
Interjection, used to get someone's attention or press one's point
3. hey, listen, look, say
when seeking confirmation, for emphasis, etc.; used at sentence end
4. now, ..., well, ..., I tell you!, you know
used to express admiration, emotionality, etc.; used at sentence end
5. wow, ooh
See more > common