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疲れる, つかれる
Conjugated: 疲れていた
Ichidan verb, Intransitive
1. to get tired, to tire, to get fatigued, to become exhausted, to grow weary
2. to become worn out (of a well-used object)
3. to starve
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1. indicates the subject of a sentence
literary in modern Japanese; usu. written as ヶ in place names
2. indicates possession
3. but, however, (and) yet, though, although, while
4. and
5. used after an introductory remark or explanation
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それ, 其れ
Pronoun, See これ・1, See あれ・1, See どれ・1, Usually in kana, indicating an item or person near the listener, the action of the listener, or something on their mind
1. that, it
2. then, that point (in time), that time
Archaism, indicating a place near the listener
3. there
4. you
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それ, それ
Only それ, Interjection, used to call someone's attention to something
1. there!, look!
used to stir someone to action or fire oneself up
2. go on!, right!, here goes!
それ, 逸れる
Conjugated: それ
Ichidan verb, Intransitive, Usually in kana
1. to turn away, to bear off, to veer away, to swerve from, to miss (e.g. a target)
2. to deviate (e.g. of a conversation), to digress, to go astray, to wander
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