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消しゴム, 消ゴム, けしゴム
eraser, rubber
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, 嫌, 厭, , イヤ
1. disliking, not wanting, unwilling (to do), reluctant
2. unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, horrible, disgusting, undesirable, unwelcome
Interjection, Usually in kana
3. no!, quit it!, stop!
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Particle, used for non-exhaustive lists related to a specific time and place
1. such things as ..., and ... and
See や否や・1, after the dictionary form of a verb
2. the minute (that) ..., no sooner than ..., as soon as
copula, See だ, Dialect: Kansai-ben
3. be, is
Interjection, punctuational exclamation in haiku, renga, etc.
4. o, oh
interjection expressing surprise
5. huh, what
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