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, はく
1. counter for nights of a stay
2. overnight stay, lodging
まる, , とまる
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to stay at (e.g. hotel)
2. to be docked, to be berthed, to be moored
See more > common
宿, しゅくはく
Takes suru, Intransitive
accommodation, lodging
See more > common
める, とめる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to give shelter to, to lodge, to put up, to accommodate
See more > common
, 1, いっぱく
Takes suru, Intransitive
1. (staying) one night, overnight stay
2. overnight rental, per-night rental
See more > common
まり, , とまり
1. (overnight) stay, lodging
2. inn, hotel
3. night duty
4. anchorage, harbor, port
See more > common
, 碇, ていはく
Takes suru, Intransitive
anchorage, anchoring, mooring
See more > common
まり込み, り込み, とまりこみ
staying somewhere (overnight) due to circumstances
まり, 寝, ねとまり
Takes suru, Intransitive
staying the night, lodging (at)
See more > common
, がいはく
Takes suru, Intransitive
staying somewhere else (overnight), spending the night away (e.g. from home), going home (e.g. from hospital) for the night, sleepover
まり込む, り込む, とまりこむ
Godan verb, Intransitive
to stay overnight, to stop (e.g. at a hotel)
, かはく
Takes suru, Intransitive
emergency anchoring
, やはく
Takes suru
night mooring
, はくち
anchorage, berth
, びょうはく
Takes suru
, みんぱく
private residence temporarily taking lodgers
, えんぱく
Takes suru, Intransitive
extending one's stay (at a hotel, etc.)
, らいはく
Takes suru
coming to stay over, coming to spend the night
, ふはく
no-show (at hotel)
, ぜんぱく
Takes suru, Intransitive, See 後泊・こうはく
spending one night ahead (e.g. at a hotel near the airport the night before catching a flight), spending the night before
, れんぱく
Takes suru, Intransitive
staying for two or more nights in a row (e.g. at a hotel)
, こうはく, あとはく
Takes suru, Intransitive, See 前泊・ぜんぱく
staying an extra night (e.g. after attending an event)
, げんぱく
Takes suru, Intransitive, Antonym: 延泊
shortening one's stay (at a hotel, etc.)
, ひょうはく
Takes suru, Intransitive
1. roaming, drifting about, wandering
2. drifting (with the current, on the tide, etc.)
, きゅうはくじょ
temporary quarters
宿, しゅくはくさき
lodging host, lodging place
り客, とまりきゃく
overnight guest, house guest
り賃, とまりちん
hotel charges, tariff
, ひょうはくしゃ
宿, しゅくはくにん
lodger, boarder, paying guest
宿, しゅくはくじょ
lodgings, quarters
宿, しゅくはくりょう
accommodation charge, room rate
梁山, りょうざんぱく
place of assemblage for the bold and ambitious