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死ぬ, しぬ
Conjugated: 死なず
Godan verb, Irregular nu verb, Intransitive
1. to die, to pass away
2. to lose spirit, to lose vigor, to look dead
3. to cease, to stop
See more > common
ただ, 只, 唯, 徒, 但, 常, タダ
May take 'no', Usually in kana
1. ordinary, common, usual
only 只
2. free of charge
usu. as ただでは...
3. unaffected, as is, safe
4. only, merely, just, simply
Conjunction, esp. 但
5. but, however, nevertheless
See more > common
, ただ
NA-adjective, Adverb, Archaism
straight, direct