歩き, あるき, ありき
May take 'no'
1. walk, walking
Only あるき, Archaism
2. foot messenger (of a town, village, etc.)
歩く, あるく
Conjugated: 歩き
Godan verb, Intransitive
to walk
歩き回る, 歩きまわる, 歩き廻る, あるきまわる
Godan verb, Intransitive
to walk about, to walk around, to walk to and fro, to pace around, to wander
一人歩き, ひとり歩き, 独り歩き, ひとりあるき
Takes suru, Intransitive
1. taking on a life of its own (of a rumour, etc.)
2. walking by oneself, taking a walk by oneself
3. walking unaided, being able to walk without help
4. standing on one's own feet, being independent, taking care of oneself
夜歩き, よあるき
Takes suru, Intransitive
walking around at night
山歩き, やまあるき
Takes suru
mountain-walking, hiking
歩き方, あるきかた
way one walks, one's walk
横歩き, よこあるき
Takes suru
side stepping, sidling
街歩き, 町歩き, まちあるき
walking about town, stroll around town, walking the streets (e.g. for exercise)
歩き神, あるきがみ, ありきがみ
wandering god, god who attracts wanderers and travellers
早歩き, 速歩き, はやあるき
Takes suru, Intransitive
fast walking, semi-jogging
旅歩き, たびあるき
travelling on foot
遠歩き, とおあるき
Takes suru
(taking a) long walk, walking far
長歩き, ながあるき
Takes suru, Rare
walking a long distance
小歩き, こあるき
1. walking with short steps
2. errand boy
使い歩き, つかいあるき
running errands, errand boy, errand girl
歩き始め, 歩きはじめ, あるきはじめ
starting to walk
拾い歩き, ひろいあるき
Takes suru
1. (a) wander, amble
See 拾い足
2. walking on the good part of a street (to avoid puddles, etc.)
忍び歩き, しのびあるき, しのびありき
1. travelling incognito (traveling)
See 忍び足
2. quiet steps, creeping around
歩き去る, あるきさる
Godan verb
to walk away, to walk off
飲み歩き, 呑み歩き, のみあるき
See 飲み歩く
pub crawl, barhopping
歩きぶり, 歩き振り, あるきぶり
way of walking
歩き食い, あるきぐい
Takes suru
walking while eating
歩き通す, あるきとおす
Godan verb, Transitive
to walk through (to the end), to walk the whole way
立ち歩き, 立歩き, たちあるき
standing up and walking
歩き詰め, あるきづめ
walking without rest, walking continuously
カニ歩き, 蟹歩き, かに歩き, カニあるき, かにあるき
Takes suru
walking like a crab
崖端歩き, がけばたあるき
Idiomatic expression, Rare
taking unnecessary risks, precipice walking
お尻歩き, おしり歩き, おしりあるき
bottom shuffling, scooting, sliding while sitting
歩き出す, 歩きだす, あるきだす
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to start walking, to begin to walk
2. to begin (something new)
歩き疲れる, あるきつかれる
Ichidan verb
to be tired from walking
歩き続ける, あるきつづける
Ichidan verb
to keep walking
歩き始める, あるきはじめる
Ichidan verb
to begin to walk, to set out