くる , 来る , 來る
Conjugated: 来た
1. to come (spatially or temporally) , to approach , to arrive
Auxiliary verb , See 行ってくる・2 , Usually in kana , after the -te form of a verb
2. to come back , to do ... and come back
3. to come to be , to become , to get , to grow , to continue
4. to come from , to be caused by , to derive from
See と来たら
5. to come to (e.g. "when it comes to spinach ...")
行ったり来た り , 行ったりきたり , 行ったり来り , いったりきたり
Expression , Takes suru
going to and fro , back and forth
ときたら , と来た ら
Expression , Usually in kana
when it comes to ... , as for ...
それ来た , それきた
there it is , there it comes , got it , of course , it figures , I knew it
そら来た , そらきた
Expression , See それ来た , Colloquialism
there it is , there it comes , got it , of course , it figures , I knew it
ありきたり , 在り来た り
May take 'no' , NA-adjective , Usually in kana
common , ordinary , conventional , customary
よくできた , よく出来た
Noun or verb acting prenominally , Usually in kana
well-balanced , considerate , of fine character
よってきたる , よって来た る , よって来る , 因って来る , 由って来る , 因って来た る
Expression , Noun or verb acting prenominally , Usually in kana
originating , causing , beginning
ここまできたら , ここまで来た ら
Expression , Usually in kana
after having come this far , now that we've come this far
盛年重ねて来た らず , せいねんかさねてきたらず
Expression , Proverb
time and tide wait for no man
来た 、見た、勝った, きた、みた、かった
Expression , quotation
veni, vidi, vici , I came; I saw; I conquered
冬来た りなば春遠からじ , ふゆきたりなばはるとおからじ
Expression , Proverb
when winter comes spring isn't far behind
盆と正月が一緒に来た よう , 盆と正月が一緒に来た 様 , ぼんとしょうがつがいっしょにきたよう
Expression , NA-adjective
1. as if Christmas and one's birthday had come at the same time , as if Lady Luck had just visited twice , as if the Bon Festival and New Year had come at the same time
2. as if the two busiest days of the year had come at the same time
去る者は追わず、来た る者は拒まず , さるものはおわず、きたるものはこばまず
Expression , Proverb
do not pursue those who leave you and do not turn away those who come to you
来立て , 来た て , きたて
new arrival
きたす , 来す , 来た す
Godan verb , Transitive , Usually in kana
to cause , to induce , to bring about a result or state , to produce
できたて , 出来立て , 出来た て
May take 'no' , Usually in kana
just made , fresh (e.g. from the oven) , newly built (e.g. house) , brand-new
来る , 来た る , きたる
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi) , Antonym: 去る・6
1. next (e.g. "next April") , forthcoming , coming
Godan verb , Intransitive , orig. meaning
2. to come , to arrive , to be due to
借りができた , 借りが出来た , かりができた
I owe you , I owe you one , I owe you a favor
しきたり , 仕来り , 仕来た り , 為来り , 為来た り
Usually in kana
custom , convention , tradition , mores , conventional practice
来る者は拒まず , 来た る者は拒まず , くるものはこばまず , きたるものはこばまず
Expression , See 去る者は追わず , Proverb
turn away no one , do not cast out those that come to you
来るべき , 来た るべき , きたるべき
Noun or verb acting prenominally
expected to arrive (occur) in the near future
笑う門には福来る , 笑う門には福来た る , わらうかどにはふくきたる
Expression , Godan verb , Proverb
laugh and grow fat , good fortune and happiness will come to the home of those who smile
支障をきたす , 支障を来す , 支障を来た す , ししょうをきたす
Expression , Godan verb
to hinder , to obstruct , to disrupt , to interfere with , to cause a delay