本当, ほんとう, ほんと
May take 'no', NA-adjective
1. truth, reality, actuality, fact
2. proper, right, correct, official
3. genuine, authentic, real, natural, veritable
copula, Godan verb, See だ, See であります, formal or literary term
be, is
Expression, Particle, See と言うのは・というのは・2
1. indicates word or phrase being defined
See と・4, indicates contrast or adds emphasis to a negative statement
2. used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
See と・3, more emphatic than と
3. with
with neg. verb
4. (not) as much as, (not) so much as
indicates surprise, disbelief, anger, etc.; sometimes at sentence end
5. the fact that, to think that, such a thing as