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本当, ほんとう, ほんと
May take 'no', NA-adjective
1. truth, reality, actuality, fact
2. proper, right, correct, official
3. genuine, authentic, real, natural, veritable
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copula, Godan verb, See だ, See であります, formal or literary term
be, is
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Expression, Particle, See と言うのは・というのは・2
1. indicates word or phrase being defined
See と・4, indicates contrast or adds emphasis to a negative statement
2. used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
See と・3, more emphatic than と
3. with
with neg. verb
4. (not) as much as, (not) so much as
indicates surprise, disbelief, anger, etc.; sometimes at sentence end
5. the fact that, to think that, such a thing as
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