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方がない, しかたがない
1. there's no (other) way
2. cannot be helped, unavoidable, inevitable, (there's) nothing one can do, having no choice
oft. as 〜ても仕方がない
3. it's no use (doing), pointless, useless, no good, insufficient, not enough
4. hopeless (person), annoying, troublesome, awful
as 〜て仕方がない or 〜で仕方がない
5. cannot stand it, unbearable, cannot help (doing, feeling), dying (to do)
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方がいい, 方が良い, ほうが良い, 方がよい, ほうがいい, ほうがよい
Expression, after past tense verb
1. had better ...
See した方がいい, after negative verb
2. had better not ...
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方がマシ, 方がまし, 方が増し, ほうがマシ, ほうがまし
I would rather, I would as lief do, strong preference
した方がいい, した方が良い, したほうが良い, した方がよい, したほうがいい, したほうがよい
Expression, See する・1
had better do so
方がよろしい, 方が宜しい, ほうがよろしい
Expression, See 方がよい・1
had better, is advisable
方がよろしければ, 方が宜しければ, ほうがよろしければ
if you need, if it is necessary
女房と畳は新しい方が良い, にょうぼうとたたみはあたらしいほうがいい, にょうぼうとたたみはあたらしいほうがよい
Expression, Proverb
wives and tatami mats are best when new
方々, 方方, 方が, かたがた
Honorific or respectful
1. people, (all) persons, everyone, ladies and gentlemen
Pronoun, Archaism
2. you (usu. plural)
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片が付く, 方が付く, 片がつく, 方がつく, かたがつく
Expression, Godan verb, See 片付く
to settle (a problem), to put an end to (a dispute), to be disposed of, to be settled, to come to an end
あなた方, 貴方が, 貴方方, 貴方々, あなたがた
Pronoun, Honorific or respectful
you (plural)
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あちら立てればこちらが立たぬ, 彼方立てれば此方が立たぬ, あちらたてればこちらがたたぬ
Expression, Proverb
it is hard to please everybody, damned if you do and damned if you don't