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手を切る, てをきる
Expression, Godan verb
1. to cut one's hand
Idiomatic expression
2. to cut one's connections (with), to break off relations (with), to cut ties (with), to break away (from), to part ways (with), to cease to deal with
手を叩く, 手をたたく, てをたたく
Expression, Godan verb
to clap
手を抜く, てをぬく
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
to cut corners, to be shoddy
手を組む, 手をくむ, てをくむ
Expression, Godan verb
1. to join hands together
2. to join forces, to collaborate
手を出す, 手をだす, てをだす
Expression, Godan verb
1. to turn one's hand to, to reach out one's hand
Idiomatic expression
2. to get involved in, to make a move on
3. to strike, to beat, to hit
4. to steal, to rob, to take
5. to seduce (a woman), to lay hands on
手を引く, 手をひく, てをひく
Expression, Godan verb
1. to withdraw from (a deal), to wash one's hands of
2. to lead by the hand
手を振る, てをふる
Expression, Godan verb
to wave one's hand
手を結ぶ, てをむすぶ
Expression, Godan verb
to join hands, to join forces, to work in cooperation, to link up, to partner with
手を焼く, てをやく
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
to not know what to do with, to be at a loss with, to have difficulty with, to be put out
手を貸す, てをかす
Expression, Godan verb, See 手を借りる, Idiomatic expression
to lend a hand, to help
手を打つ, てをうつ
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
1. to take (preventive) measures
2. to come to an agreement (in bargaining, etc.), to strike a bargain
3. to clap one's hands together
手を下す, 手をくだす, てをくだす
Expression, Godan verb
1. to do oneself, to do by oneself
See 手をつける・1
2. to start work (on), to commence
手を汚す, てをよごす
Expression, Godan verb
to dirty one's hands
手を取る, 手をとる, てをとる
Expression, Godan verb
to take someone's hand
手を回す, 手をまわす, てをまわす
Expression, Godan verb
to use one's influence, to pull strings, to take measures, to make the necessary preparations
手をつく, 手を突く, てをつく
Expression, Godan verb
to place both hands on the ground (to express respect, apology or to present a request)
手をやる, てをやる
Expression, Godan verb, See 遣る・やる・3
to put one's hand on, to touch
手を通す, てをとおす
Expression, Godan verb
to put on (clothing, esp. new)
手を握る, てをにぎる
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
to join forces (with), to ally oneself (with), to hold hands
手を打つ, 柏手を打つ, かしわでをうつ
Expression, Godan verb
to clap one's hands in prayer
手を取る, せんてをとる
Expression, Godan verb
to take the initiative
手を打つ, せんてをうつ
Expression, Godan verb
1. to forestall, to beat to the punch, to anticipate
2. to play the first move (e.g. in go)
手をする, あいてをする
to keep company, to look after, to entertain, to play (a game) with
手を変える, てをかえる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to resort to other means
手を透かす, 手を空かす, てをすかす
Expression, Godan verb
to make oneself available
手を染める, てをそめる
Expression, Ichidan verb, Idiomatic expression
to get involved (with), to begin (with), to have a hand (in)
手を携えて, 手をたずさえて, てをたずさえて
Expression, Idiomatic expression
(acting) together, jointly, cooperatively, in partnership, side by side, holding hands
手を束ねて, てをつかねて
doing nothing, folding one's arms
手をつなぐ, 手を繋ぐ, てをつなぐ
Expression, Godan verb
to join hands (with)
手を伸べる, 手をのべる, 手を延べる, てをのべる
Expression, Ichidan verb, Idiomatic expression
to lend a hand, to give a hand, to help, to extend a helping hand
手を振る, おおでをふる, おおてをふる
Expression, Godan verb
1. to swing one's arms greatly while walking
2. to act freely, to be brazen
手を加える, てをくわえる
Expression, Ichidan verb
1. to perform some process, to apply some treatment
2. to revise, to correct