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手のひら, 掌, 手の, てのひら, たなごころ, しょう
palm (of the hand)
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手の, 手のうち, てのうち
1. palm (of one's hand)
2. skill
3. (in one's) grip, (under one's) control, (in one's) pocket
4. one's (concealed) intentions, one's cards, one's scheme
Mahjong term, card games
5. one's hand
手の, てのゆび
手の, てのもの
Expression, Idiomatic expression
one's subordinate
手の, てのはら
Expression, See てのひら
palm (of the hand)
手の, からてのかた
kata (in karate)
手のもの, 手の, てのもの
1. one's own thing, thing held in one's hand(s)
See お手の物, Idiomatic expression
2. one's speciality, one's forte, one's strong point
手の早い, てのはやい
Expression, See 手が早い・1, Idiomatic expression
1. fast (worker)
See 手が早い・2
2. fast in forming relationships with women
See 手が早い・3
3. quick to resort to violence, quick to turn violent
手の, しでのき
See 赤四手, Rare
loose-flowered hornbeam (Carpinus laxiflora)
手の, きょしゅのれい
hand salute, military salute
手の, せきしゅのこえ
Expression, See 公案, Buddhist term
the sound of one hand clapping (a classic Zen koan)
手の, てのこう
back of the hand
手の込んだ, 手の混んだ, てのこんだ
Expression, Noun or verb acting prenominally
intricate, elaborate, complicated, complex
手の法則, みぎてのほうそく
Expression, See フレミングの法則
(Fleming's) right-hand rule
手の法則, ひだりてのほうそく
Expression, See フレミングの法則
(Fleming's) left-hand rule
手の音声, せきしゅのおんじょう
Expression, See 公案, Buddhist term
the sound of one hand clapping (a classic Zen koan)
手のかかる, 手の掛かる, てのかかる
Expression, Noun or verb acting prenominally, See 手が掛かる, Idiomatic expression
troublesome, difficult (e.g. customer, guest, child), laborious (e.g. task, dinner)
手の, お手のもの, おてのもの
one's speciality, one's forte, one's strong point
手の横好き, へたの横好き, へたのよこずき
Expression, Idiomatic expression
loving something but being very bad at it
手の長談義, へたのながだんぎ
Expression, Proverb
poor speakers make long speeches, brevity is the soul of wit
手のひら返し, 手の平返し, 掌返し, てのひらがえし
Takes suru, Intransitive
sudden reversal (of behavior, opinion, attitude, etc.), about-face, flip-flop
手の届くところ, 手の届く所, てのとどくところ
Antonym: 手の届かないところ
(a place) within one's reach
手のひらを返す, 手の平を返す, 掌を返す, てのひらをかえす, たなごころをかえす, しょうをかえす
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
1. to flip-flop, to do an about-face, to flip over one's hand
2. to do something easy
手の内を見せる, てのうちをみせる
Expression, Ichidan verb, Idiomatic expression
to reveal one's true intentions, to show one's cards
手のつけられない, 手の付けられない, てのつけられない
Expression, See 手がつけられない・てがつけられない, Idiomatic expression
out of control, out of hand, unmanageable
手の施しようがない, てのほどこしようがない
Expression, Idiomatic expression
beyond help, there's nothing that can be done
手の届かないところ, 手の届かない所, てのとどかないところ
Expression, Antonym: 手の届くところ
(a place) out of one's reach
手の考え休むに似たり, へたのかんがえやすむににたり
Expression, See 下手な考え休むに似たり, Proverb
it's hard to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one, they to whom only bad ideas come might as well be asleep, inadequate ideas are worse than none at all
手の手から水が漏れる, じょうずのてからみずがもれる
Expression, Ichidan verb, Proverb
even Homer nods