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なす, 成す
Conjugated: 成し
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to form, to make, to constitute
2. to build up (e.g. a fortune), to create, to establish
3. to accomplish, to achieve, to win (fame), to gain
as ...と〜
4. to change (into), to convert
Usually in kana, also written as 為す
5. to do, to commit, to carry out, to bring about
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成し遂げる, 為し遂げる, なしとげる
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to accomplish, to achieve, to complete, to carry out, to carry through
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成システム, さくせいシステム
Computer terminology
originating system
もてなし, 持て成し, 持てなし
Usually in kana
1. hospitality, reception, treatment, service, entertainment
2. (light) refreshment, entertaining with food and drink, treat
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おもてなし, お持て成し
See もてなし・1, Usually in kana
1. hospitality, reception, treatment, service, entertainment
2. (light) refreshment, entertaining with food and drink, treat
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心なし, 心成し, 心做し, こころなし
Adverb, See 心なしか, usu. as 心なしか
somehow, somewhat, seemingly
なし得る, 成し得る, 成しうる, 成しえる, なしうる, なしえる
Noun or verb acting prenominally, Expression, Transitive
to be able to do, to be capable of doing
綾をなして, 綾を成し, あやをなして
in beautiful patterns
群をなして, 群を成し, ぐんをなして
Expression, See なして・1
in crowds, in a group, in swarms
取りなし, 取り成し, 執り成し, とりなし
mediation, intercession, smoothing over
心なしか, 心成し, 心做しか, こころなしか
somehow, somewhat, seemingly
もてなし上手, 持てなし上手, 持て成し上手, もてなしじょうず
being good at hosting, good host, person who knows how to entertain guests