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悪化, あっか
Takes suru, Intransitive
deterioration, getting worse, worsening, aggravation, degeneration, corruption
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する, 為る
Conjugated: させる
Usually in kana
1. to do, to carry out, to perform
2. to cause to become, to make (into), to turn (into)
3. to serve as, to act as, to work as
4. to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.)
as 〜にする,〜とする
5. to judge as being, to view as being, to think of as, to treat as, to use as
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せる, させる
Auxiliary verb, Ichidan verb, ~せる connects to -nai stem of 五段 verbs and to サ変 as さ~せる; ~させる connects to -nai stem of 一段 and カ変 verbs and to サ変 as せ~させる
1. auxiliary verb indicating the causative voice
2. auxiliary verb indicating the granting of permission to do something
Honorific or respectful, as 〜(さ)せられる, あら〜せられる, 〜(さ)せ給う, etc.
3. auxiliary verb used as an honorific for others' actions
Ichidan verb, Transitive, See する・1
1. to make (someone) do
2. to allow (someone) to do
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させる, 然せる
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi), dated term, Usually in kana, with neg. sentence
(any) particular, notable, noteworthy, significant, considerable
刺す, さす
Conjugated: させる
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to pierce, to stab, to prick, to stick, to thrust
rarely also written 螫す
2. to sting, to bite
3. to sew, to stitch, to embroider
See 差す・11
4. to pole (a boat)
5. to catch (with a limed pole)
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指す, さす
Conjugated: させる
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to point
2. to nominate, to select someone, to specify some person
3. to identify, to indicate, to point out
Shogi term
4. to play (a game of shogi), to move (a piece)
See 差す・7
5. to extend one's arm straight ahead (in dance)
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差す, さす
Conjugated: させる
Godan verb, Intransitive, See 射す
1. to shine
2. to be visible
3. to be tinged with
4. to rise (of water levels), to flow in
See 気が差す, See 魔が差す
5. to be felt (i.e. as an emotion), to come over one
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Conjugated: させる
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to make (someone) do
2. to allow (someone) to
Auxiliary verb, aux. verb indicating the causative
3. to let, to cause
aux. verb indicating the granting of permission
4. to be permitted to
Honorific or respectful, aux. verb used as an honorific for others' actions
5. to do
注す, 点す, さす
Conjugated: させる
Godan verb, Transitive, See 差す・さす・12, esp. 注す
1. to pour, to add (liquid), to serve (drinks)
See 差す・さす・13, esp. 点す
2. to put on (lipstick, etc.), to apply, to colour, to dye
See 差す・さす・14
3. to light (a fire), to burn
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射す, さす
Conjugated: させる
Godan verb, Intransitive, See 差す・1
to shine
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挿す, さす
Conjugated: させる
Godan verb, Transitive, See 差す・8
1. to insert, to put in
See 挿し木
2. to plant (a cutting), to strike
See 挿し花
3. to arrange (flowers)
See 差す・9
4. to wear (a sword) in one's belt
See 鎖す
5. to shut, to close, to lock, to fasten
止す, さす
Conjugated: させる
Suffix, Godan verb, See 差す・さす・16, after the -masu stem of a verb
to stop in the midst of, to leave undone