後ろ, 後, うしろ
May take 'no'
back, behind, rear
後ろ盾, 後ろ楯, うしろだて
1. backing, support, backer, supporter, patron, sponsor
2. shield that protects one's back
後ろ向き, 後向き, うしろむき
NA-adjective, May take 'no', Antonym: 前向き・1
1. back-facing, backwards
Antonym: 前向き・2
2. backward-looking, retrogressive, reactionary, retrospective, negative
後ろ姿, 後姿, うしろすがた
(a person's) appearance from behind, person as seen from behind, back view, retreating figure
後ろめたい, うしろめたい
guilty (feeling, conscience, look, etc.), (feeling) uneasy
後ろ手, うしろで
putting one's hands behind one's back, having one's hands behind one's back, rear
後ろ足, 後ろ脚, うしろあし
hind leg, hind foot
前後ろ, まえうしろ
front and back, before and behind, before and after
後ろ影, うしろかげ
form of a retreating person's body
後ろ言, うしろごと
1. crying over spilt milk, complaining about things that have already happened
2. speaking ill behind someone's back, malicious gossip
右後ろ, みぎうしろ
rear right, back right, right and behind
左後ろ, ひだりうしろ
rear left, back left, left and behind
後ろ側, 後側, うしろがわ
See 裏側
back (side), back end, rear
後ろ襟, 後襟, うしろえり
1. back of a collar
Martial arts term
2. grabbing the back of the opponent's collar (in judo)
真後ろ, まうしろ
May take 'no'
right behind, just behind, directly behind
後ろ明き, うしろあき
May take 'no'
clothing with the opening at the back
後ろ身頃, うしろみごろ
back part of a kimono
後ろ倒し, うしろ倒し, うしろだおし
Takes suru, Transitive, See 前倒し
postponement, moving back
後ろカゴ, 後ろかご, 後ろ籠, 後ろ篭, うしろカゴ, うしろかご
rear basket (e.g. on a bicycle)
後ろ指, 後指, うしろゆび
See 後ろ指を指される, usu. as 〜を指される
criticizing someone behind their back, backbiting
後ろ髪, 後髪, うしろがみ
See 後ろ髪を引かれる
hair on the back of one's head
後ろ鉢巻き, 後ろ鉢巻, 後鉢巻, うしろはちまき
See 向こう鉢巻き
headband tied at the back
後ろ合わせ, 後ろ合せ, うしろあわせ
back to back
後ろもたれ, うしろもたれ
Sumo term
backward lean out
劣後ローン, れつごローン
Finance term
subordinated loan
後ろ暗い, 後ろぐらい, うしろ暗い, うしろぐらい
shady, underhanded, questionable
後ろに倒れる, 後に倒れる, うしろにたおれる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to fall backward
後ろを見せる, うしろをみせる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to turn one's back (on the enemy)
後ろ指を指す, 後指を指す, うしろゆびをさす
Expression, Godan verb, Rare
to talk about someone behind their back, to backbite
後ろ向き推論, 後向き推論, うしろむきすいろん
Computer terminology
backward reasoning (AI)
後ろ回し蹴り, 後ろ廻し蹴り, うしろまわしげり
See 回し蹴り, Martial arts term
spin kick
手が後ろに回る, てがうしろにまわる
Expression, Godan verb
to have one's hands tied behind one, to be arrested