彼 , かれ
Pronoun , See 彼女・1
1. he , him
See 彼氏・1
2. boyfriend
かの , 彼 の , 彼
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi) , Usually in kana
that well-known ... , the one and only ... , those
あれ , 彼 , 彼 れ
Pronoun , See これ・1 , See それ・1 , See どれ・1 , Usually in kana , indicating something distant from both speaker and listener (in space, time or psychologically), or something understood without naming it directly
1. that , that thing
used to refer to one's equals or inferiors
2. that person
3. then , that time
4. that place (over there)
Colloquialism , euphemistic , oft. written as アレ
5. down there (i.e. one's genitals)
なら , なら ば
Auxiliary , hypothetical form of the copula だ, from なり and sometimes classed as a particle
1. if , in case , if it is the case that , if it is true that
Only なら
2. as for , on the topic of
Conjunction , See それなら , Colloquialism , Abbreviation
3. if that's the case , if so , that being the case
Only ならば
4. if possible , if circumstances allow
奈良 , なら
Nara (city, prefecture)
なら , 楢 , 柞 , 枹
Usually in kana
oak (esp. Quercus serrata)
それ , 其れ
Pronoun , See これ・1 , See あれ・1 , See どれ・1 , Usually in kana , indicating an item or person near the listener, the action of the listener, or something on their mind
1. that , it
2. then , that point (in time) , that time
Archaism , indicating a place near the listener
3. there
4. you
それ , それ っ
Only それ , Interjection , used to call someone's attention to something
1. there! , look!
used to stir someone to action or fire oneself up
2. go on! , right! , here goes!
それ る, 逸れる
Conjugated: それ
Ichidan verb , Intransitive , Usually in kana
1. to turn away , to bear off , to veer away , to swerve from , to miss (e.g. a target)
2. to deviate (e.g. of a conversation) , to digress , to go astray , to wander
位 , くらい
orig. from 座居, meaning "seat"
1. throne , crown , (nobleman's) seat
See 位階
2. government position , court rank
3. social standing , class , echelon , rung
4. grade (of quality, etc.) , level , tier
See 桁・2
5. position of a figure (e.g. tens, thousands) , digit , (decimal) place
暗い , 昏い , 冥い , 闇い , くらい
1. dark , gloomy , murky
2. depressed , dispirited , down in the dumps , dark (mood)
3. dark (in colour) , dull
4. ill-boding , dark (e.g. past) , suspicious
5. unlikely (to succeed) , hopeless , unpromising
くらい , ぐらい
Suffix , Particle , also written as 位
1. approximately , about , around , or so
2. to (about) the extent that , (almost) enough that , so ... that ... , at least
3. as ... as ... , like
食らう , 喰らう , くらう
Conjugated: くらい
Godan verb , Transitive , Vulgar expression or word
1. to eat , to drink , to wolf , to knock back
2. to receive (e.g. a blow)
3. to be on the receiving end (of something undesirable) , to undergo (trouble)
Particle , See 乃 , occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之
1. indicates possessive
2. nominalizes verbs and adjectives
See が・1
3. substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases
often ん
4. (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
Female term or language
5. (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis