彼 , かれ
Pronoun , See 彼女・1
1. he , him
See 彼氏・1
2. boyfriend
かの , 彼 の , 彼
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi) , Usually in kana
that well-known ... , the one and only ... , those
あれ , 彼 , 彼 れ
Pronoun , See これ・1 , See それ・1 , See どれ・1 , Usually in kana , indicating something distant from both speaker and listener (in space, time or psychologically), or something understood without naming it directly
1. that , that thing
used to refer to one's equals or inferiors
2. that person
3. then , that time
4. that place (over there)
Colloquialism , euphemistic , oft. written as アレ
5. down there (i.e. one's genitals)
って , て
Particle , See と・4 , casual quoting particle
1. you said , he said , she said , they said
See たって・1 , after a verb in the past tense
2. even if
as in かって; indicates a satirical or rhetorical question
3. do you seriously think that
indicates certainty, insistence, emphasis, etc.
4. I already told you , you should know by now that , of course
abbr. of という
5. the said ...