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, 見世, みせ
store, shop, establishment, restaurant
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, てん
Noun, used as a suffix
store, shop, restaurant
, たな
See 御店・1
1. merchant's home
See 御店・2
2. rented home
See 見世棚・2, Abbreviation, orig. meaning; also written as 棚
3. store, shop
Conjunction, See それでは・1
1. then, well, so, well then
2. bye then
Expression, compound of particles で and は; indicates contrast with other possibilities
3. at, in, by, with, using
See で, Archaism, after a -nai stem
4. if not ..., unless ...
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出端, では
1. chance of going out, opportunity (to succeed)
2. musical accompaniment for an actor going on stage
ほか, 他, 外
1. another place, some other place, somewhere else, outside
May take 'no'
2. another (person or thing), different, something else, someone else, the rest, et al.
See 思いのほか, Usually in kana, esp. 外
3. beyond (one's expectations, imagination, etc.)
with neg. sentence; as ...ほかに...ない, ...するほかない, etc.
4. except, but, other than, apart from
Adverb, as ...のほか(に), ...するほか(に)etc.
5. besides, in addition to, as well as, on top of
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