対処, たいしょ
Takes suru, Intransitive
dealing with, coping with
する, 為る
Usually in kana
1. to do, to carry out, to perform
2. to cause to become, to make (into), to turn (into)
3. to serve as, to act as, to work as
4. to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.)
as 〜にする,〜とする
5. to judge as being, to view as being, to think of as, to treat as, to use as
刷る, 摺る, する
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to print
2. to color or pattern fabric using a wooden mold
する, 掏る, スる
Godan verb, Transitive, Usually in kana
to pickpocket, to steal
擦る, 摩る, 磨る, 擂る, する
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to rub, to chafe, to strike (match), to file, to frost (glass)
2. to lose (e.g. a match), to forfeit, to squander one's money (e.g. through gambling, Pachinko, etc.)
剃る, そる, する
Godan verb, Transitive
to shave
ことができる, ことが出来る, 事ができる, 事が出来る
Expression, Ichidan verb, Usually in kana, usu. verb+ことが...
to be able (to), to be possible (to)
殻, 骸, から
shell, husk, hull, pod, chaff
空, 虚, から, カラ
May take 'no'
1. emptiness, being empty
2. not carrying anything, unburdened, empty-handed
3. dishonoured (bill, promise, etc.), false, no-show (reservation), put-on (cheeriness, courage, etc.), empty (compliments), insincere
唐, 韓, 漢, から
Noun, used as a prefix, Archaism
China (sometimes also used in ref. to Korea or other foreign countries)
1. from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity), since
2. from (originator), by
follows verbs, adjectives
3. because
4. out of (constituent, part)
5. through (e.g. window, vestibule)
掛絡, 掛落, 掛羅, から
See 袈裟・1, See 絡子・らくす, Archaism
1. Zen monk's waistcoat (short, informal kasaya)
2. ring (usu. made of ivory) attached to this waistcoat
See 根付け
3. netsuke, item attached to a netsuke
幹, 柄, から
1. trunk, stem, stalk
2. shaft (of an arrow)
3. handle
辛, から
Counter, Colloquialism
counter for spiciness of food (e.g. curry)
加羅, 伽羅, 迦羅, から
historical term
Karak (ancient Korean confederacy), Kaya
copula, Godan verb, See だ, See であります, formal or literary term
be, is