季節, きせつ
May take 'no'
season, time of year
季節的, きせつてき
季節感, きせつかん
sense of the seasons, feeling of seasonality
季節性, きせつせい
seasonality, seasonal
季節柄, きせつがら
See 時節柄
in these times, in times likes these, the season being what it is
季節外れ, 季節はずれ, きせつはずれ
NA-adjective, May take 'no'
unseasonable, out-of-season
季節労働, きせつろうどう
seasonal labor, seasonal labour
季節変異, きせつへんい
seasonal variation
季節調整, きせつちょうせい
seasonal adjustment
季節回遊, きせつかいゆう
seasonal migration (of fish, etc.)
季節現象, きせつげんしょう
seasonal (weather) phenomenon
季節労働者, きせつろうどうしゃ
seasonal laborer, seasonal labourer
季節の便り, 季節のたより, きせつのたより
season's tidings, seasonal letter
季節調整値, きせつちょうせいち
Economics term
seasonally adjusted figure
季節調整済み, きせつちょうせいずみ
May take 'no'
seasonally adjusted
季節性情動障害, きせつせいじょうどうしょうがい
Medicine term
seasonal affective disorder, SAD
季節の移り変わり, きせつのうつりかわり
Expression, See 移り変わり・うつりかわり
changing seasons, season's transition, transition from one season to the next, turn of the seasons, turning of the seasons
季節性インフルエンザ, きせつせいインフルエンザ
Medicine term
seasonal influenza, seasonal flu