子供, 子ども, 小供, こども
子供用, こどもよう
May take 'no'
for use by children, for children
子供たち, 子どもたち, 子供達, 子ども達, こどもたち
子供の頃, 子供のころ, 子どもの頃, 子どものころ, こどものころ
Expression, Adverb
(time of) one's childhood, when one was a child
子供心, 子ども心, こどもごころ
childlike mind, judgment as a child (judgement)
女子供, おんなこども
women and children
子供服, こどもふく
children's clothing
子供顔, こどもがお
child's face, child-like face, baby face
子供衆, こどもしゅう
1. children
Honorific or respectful
2. child
3. young male prostitute
子供室, こどもしつ
See 子供部屋
child's room, nursery
水子供養, みずごくよう
memorial service to appease an aborted foetus
子供扱い, こどもあつかい
Takes suru
treating someone like a child
子供連れ, 子ども連れ, こども連れ, こどもづれ
1. taking one's children along (to an event, into a new marriage, etc.)
2. parent with child
宅の子供, たくのこども
my (our) child
子供相撲, こどもずもう
Sumo term
children's sumo
役者子供, やくしゃこども
1. skilled actor who is like a child offstage, good actor who knows but little of the ways of the world
Archaism, orig. meaning
2. child kabuki actor
子供保険, こどもほけん
juvenile insurance
子供時代, こどもじだい
子供好き, 子ども好き, こども好き, こどもずき
being fond of children, person fond of children
子供椅子, 子供いす, こども椅子, こどもいす
1. small chair for children
See ベビーチェア
2. high chair
子供遊び, 子ども遊び, こども遊び, こどもあそび
child's play
子供番組, 子ども番組, こども番組, こどもばんぐみ
children's (TV) show, children's program
子供向け, 子ども向け, こども向け, こどもむけ
May take 'no'
for children, for kids, directed at children, designed for children
子供じみた, 子どもじみた, 子供染みた, こどもじみた
Noun or verb acting prenominally
childish, childlike, immature, infantile
子供だまし, 子供騙し, こどもだまし
trick that may deceive a child, transparent ploy, mere child's play, kid stuff, puerile trick
子供に甘い, こどもにあまい
indulgent to (one's) children
子供を妊む, こどもをはらむ
Expression, Godan verb
to conceive, to become pregnant
子供の使い, こどものつかい
Expression, Idiomatic expression
useless messenger, doing only as one is told, fool's errand
子供を抱く, こどもをだく
Expression, Godan verb
1. to hold a child in one's arms, to embrace a child
2. to provide for a child (children)
子供っぽい, 子どもっぽい, こどもっぽい
childish, childlike, immature, infantile, puerile
子供に掛かる, こどもにかかる
Expression, Godan verb
to depend on one's children
子供子供する, 子ども子どもする, こどもこどもする
to be very childlike, to be very childish
子供部屋おじさん, 子ども部屋おじさん, こどもべやおじさん
parasite single male