子は 鎹, 子は かすがい , こはかすがい
Expression , Proverb
children are a bond between husband and wife , children hold marriages together
蛙の子は 蛙 , かえるのこはかえる
Expression , Proverb
like father, like son , the apple doesn't fall far from the tree , the child of a frog is a frog
寝る子は 育つ , ねるこはそだつ
Expression , Godan verb , Proverb
sleep brings up a child well , a well-slept child is a well-kept child
狐の子は 頬白 , きつねのこはつらじろ
Expression , Proverb , Rare
the apple does not fall far from the tree , the apple never falls far from the tree , fox pups have white cheeks
君子は 豹変す , くんしはひょうへんす
Expression , See 君子豹変・くんしひょうへん・1 , Proverb
1. a wise man changes his mind, a fool never , the wise adapt themselves to changed circumstances
2. the wise make no scruple in suddenly changing their demeanor
子は 三界の首枷, こはさんがいのくびかせ
Expression , Proverb
a child is an everlasting responsibility
君子は 器ならず , くんしはきならず
Expression , Proverb
a true gentleman is well-rounded
親に似ぬ子は 鬼子 , おやににぬこはおにご
Expression , Proverb
like father, like son , a child who does not resemble their parents is a changeling
瓜の蔓に茄子は ならぬ , 瓜の蔓に茄子は 生らぬ , うりのつるになすびはならぬ
Expression , Proverb
like begets like , the apple doesn't fall far from the tree , eggplants don't grow on gourd vines
親はなくても子は 育つ , 親は無くても子は 育つ , おやはなくてもこはそだつ
Expression , Godan verb , Proverb
nature itself is a good mother , even without parents, children grow up
秋茄子は 嫁に食わすな , あきなすはよめにくわすな
Expression , Proverb
don't feed autumn eggplant to your wife (because they're too delicious, because they'll give her the chills, or because their lack of seeds will reduce her fertility)
親はなくとも子は 育つ , 親は無くとも子は 育つ , おやはなくともこはそだつ
Expression , Godan verb , Proverb
nature itself is a good mother , even without parents, children grow up
君子は 周して比せず小人は比して周せず , くんしはしゅうしてひせずしょうじんはひしてしゅうせず
Expression , Proverb
a wise man keeps wide company; a fool joins a clique
調子外れ , 調子は ずれ , ちょうしはずれ
NA-adjective , See 調子っぱずれ・ちょうしっぱずれ
discord , disharmony , false note , being out of tune