子供, 子ども, こども
child, children
子供たち, 子どもたち, 子供達, 子ども達, こどもたち
子ども会, 子供会, こどもかい
organization for local children (for growth via sports, study, service, etc.)
子ども室, 子供室, こどもしつ
See 子供部屋
child's room, nursery
子ども兵, 子供兵, こどもへい
See 少年兵
child soldier
子ども部屋, 子供部屋, こどもべや
child's room, nursery
子ども手当, 子供手当, こどもてあて
child benefit, child allowance
子ども虐待, 子供虐待, こどもぎゃくたい
child abuse
子どもの村, こどもの村, 子供の村, こどものむら
children's village (institution providing assistance to children in need)
子どもらしい, 子供らしい, こどもらしい
childish, child-like, innocent, naive
子どもシェルター, 子供シェルター, こどもシェルター
children's shelter, shelter for abused and neglected children
子どもの権利条約, こどものけんりじょうやく
Convention on the Rights of the Child
国際子ども図書館, こくさいこどもとしょかん
International Library of Children's Literature
東京子ども図書館, とうきょうこどもとしょかん
Tokyo Children's Library
国連子ども特別総会, こくれんこどもとくべつそうかい
UN Special Session on Children
日本子ども社会学会, にっぽんこどもしゃかいがっかい
Japan Society for Child Study
こども園, 子ども園, 子供園, こどもえん
See 認定こども園, Abbreviation
certified center for early childhood education and care, ECEC, certified child center, type of combined day-care center and kindergarten
子供相撲, 子ども相撲, こどもずもう
Sumo term
children's sumo
子供遊び, 子ども遊び, こどもあそび
child's play
子供番組, 子ども番組, こども番組, こどもばんぐみ
children's (TV) show, children's program
子供向け, 子ども向け, こどもむけ
May take 'no'
(intended) for children, for kids, aimed at children, designed for children
こども病院, 子ども病院, 子供病院, こどもびょういん
children's hospital
子供じみた, 子どもじみた, 子供染みた, こどもじみた
Noun or verb acting prenominally
childish, childlike, immature, infantile
認定こども園, 認定子ども園, 認定子供園, にんていこどもえん
certified center for early childhood education and care, ECEC, certified child center, type of combined day-care center and kindergarten
子供っぽい, 子どもっぽい, こどもっぽい
childish, childlike, immature, infantile, puerile
子供は風の子, 子どもは風の子, こどもはかぜのこ
Expression, Proverb
children are oblivious to the cold, children are children of the wind
子供用, こどもよう
May take 'no'
for use by children, for children
子供心, こどもごころ
(innocent) mind of a child, childish mind
女子供, おんなこども
women and children
子供服, こどもふく
children's clothing
子供顔, こどもがお
child's face, child-like face, baby face
子供子供する, 子ども子どもする, こどもこどもする
to be very childlike, to be very childish
子供扱い, こどもあつかい
Takes suru
treating someone like a child