地球, ちきゅう
Earth, the globe
Particle, Conjunction
1. if, when
2. and
3. with
4. used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
See と金, Shogi term, Abbreviation
5. promoted pawn
ト, 土, と
See 土耳古・トルコ・1, Abbreviation, Usually in kana
よく, 良く, 善く, 能く, 好く, 克く
Adverb, See 良い・1, Usually in kana
1. nicely, properly, well, skillfully, skilfully
2. frequently, often
3. I'm glad that you ..., thank you for ...
4. (you have) quite the nerve to, I don't know how you can ...
翌, よく
the following, next
欲, 慾, よく
Noun, used as a suffix
greed, craving, desire, appetite, hunger, avarice, wants
翼, つばさ, よく
1. wing
Only よく, See 二十八宿, See 朱雀・すざく・2, Astronomy term
2. Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
Suffix, Counter, Archaism
3. counter for birds or bird wings
良い, 好い, 善い, 佳い, 吉い, 宜い, よい, えい
Conjugated: よく
See いい・1, also いい (all senses)
1. good, excellent, fine, nice, pleasant, agreeable
See いい・2
2. sufficient, enough, ready, prepared
See いい・3
3. profitable (deal, business offer, etc.), beneficial
See いい・4, as て(も)良い, と(も)良い, etc.; indicates permission or compromise
4. OK, all right, no problem
Suffix, after the -masu stem of a verb
5. easy to ...