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, 公, きみ
Pronoun, Familiar language, sometimes considered male language; referring to someone of equal or lower status
1. you, buddy, pal
orig. meaning
2. monarch, ruler, sovereign, (one's) master
Only 君, Polite, Obsolete term
3. he, she
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, くん
Suffix, after the name of a male of equal or lower status
1. Mr, master, boy
after the name of a female of lower status; used by males in formal settings
2. Ms, miss
Archaism, still used among members of the Japanese Diet
3. sir, madam
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, ぎみ
Suffix, Honorific or respectful
suffix appended to someone else's family members
, きんじ
Pronoun, Archaism, Colloquialism
1. indicates the subject of a sentence
literary in modern Japanese; usu. written as ヶ in place names
2. indicates possession
3. but, however, (and) yet, though, although, while
4. and
5. used after an introductory remark or explanation
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謝る, あやまる
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to apologize, to apologise
dated term
2. to refuse, to decline
3. to be unable to bear, to be defeated (by), to be at a loss
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誤る, 謬る, あやまる
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to make a mistake (in), to commit an error, to do incorrectly, to err
Intransitive, as 誤った or 誤っている
2. to be wrong, to be incorrect, to be false, to be mistaken
3. to mislead, to misguide, to lead astray
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