君, 公, きみ
Pronoun, Familiar language, sometimes considered male language; referring to someone of equal or lower status
1. you, buddy, pal
orig. meaning
2. monarch, ruler, sovereign, (one's) master
Only 君, Polite, Obsolete term
3. he, she
君, くん
Suffix, after the name of a male of equal or lower status
1. Mr, master, boy
after the name of a female of lower status; used by males in formal settings
2. Ms, miss
Archaism, still used among members of the Japanese Diet
3. sir, madam
君, ぎみ
Suffix, Honorific or respectful
suffix appended to someone else's family members
君, きんじ
Pronoun, Archaism, Colloquialism
君たち, 君達, きみたち
Pronoun, Familiar language, Male term, also used colloquially by young females
you (plural), all of you, you all
諸君, しょくん
1. you (people)
Interjection, making appeal, etc.
2. gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, my friends, everyone
君が代, 君が世, きみがよ
1. Imperial reign
2. Kimigayo (Japanese national anthem)
君臨, くんりん
Takes suru, Intransitive
1. reigning (over a country)
2. dominating, controlling, dictating
君主, くんしゅ
monarch, sovereign, ruler, liege (lord)
君子, くんし
1. man of virtue, wise man, (true) gentleman
2. person of high rank
See 四君子
3. the four gentlemen (plum, chrysanthemum, orchid, and bamboo)
暴君, ぼうくん
tyrant, despot
貴君, きくん
Pronoun, Polite
you (primarily used by men in letters to their equals or inferiors)
先君, せんくん
formal or literary term
1. previous lord, late lord
2. (one's) late father
3. ancestor
尊君, そんくん
someone's father, one's companion
檀君, だんくん
mythical founder of Korea
亡君, ぼうくん
one's deceased lord
家君, いえぎみ, かくん
head of the house
辻君, つじぎみ
streetwalker, nightwalker, prostitute
君側, くんそく
proximity of a monarch or lord
君民, くんみん
monarch and subjects
君国, くんこく
1. monarchy
2. monarch and nation
君恩, くんおん
the favor of one's ruler (favour)
君寵, くんちょう
the favor of one's ruler (favour)
遊君, ゆうくん
姉君, あねぎみ
Honorific or respectful, dated term
(elder) sister
弟君, おとうとぎみ
Archaism, Polite
younger brother
女君, 妻君, めぎみ
Only 女君
1. someone else's daughter
Honorific or respectful
2. one's wife
君ら, 君等, きみら
Pronoun, See 君・きみ・1, Male term, Familiar language
you guys, buddies, pals, you lot
君父, くんぷ
formal or literary term
one's lord and one's father, one's master and one's father
旧君, きゅうくん
See 旧主, Rare
former lord