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口を出す, 口をだす, くちをだす
Expression, Godan verb
to interrupt, to interfere, to meddle, to intrude, to butt in, to poke one's nose into
口を拭う, くちをぬぐう
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression, from wiping one's mouth and feigning innocence after sneaking a bite of food
1. to feign innocence, to feign ignorance
2. to wipe one's mouth
口を慎む, くちをつつしむ
Expression, Godan verb
to be careful in speech
口を挟む, 口をはさむ, くちをはさむ
Expression, Godan verb
to cut into (a conversation), to interject
口を割る, 口をわる, くちをわる
Expression, Godan verb
to confess, to speak out, to disclose, to tell
口をきく, 口を利く, 口を聞く, くちをきく
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
1. to speak, to talk
2. to mediate, to act as a go-between, to put in a good word (for someone)
口を開く, くちをひらく
Expression, Godan verb
to open one's mouth (to talk), to (start to) tell
口を切る, 口をきる, くちをきる
Expression, Godan verb, Idiomatic expression
1. to be the first to speak, to break the silence
2. to open something for the first time, to broach (e.g. a cask), to break a seal, to break open
口を濁す, くちをにごす
Expression, Godan verb
to speak ambiguously, to be vague, to equivocate, to prevaricate
口を叩く, 口をたたく, くちをたたく
Expression, Godan verb
to speak brazenly, to never shut up
口を入れる, くちをいれる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to throw in a suggestion
口をつける, 口を付ける, くちをつける
Ichidan verb, Expression
to taste, to try (food or drink)
口を開く, 緒を開く, いとぐちをひらく
Expression, Godan verb
to find a clue, to make a beginning
口を縫う, きずぐちをぬう
Expression, Godan verb
to suture a wound, to sew up a wound
口を掛ける, 口をかける, くちをかける
Expression, Ichidan verb
1. to talk, to call, to invite
2. to call a geisha or prostitute over
口を叩く, 大口をたたく, おおぐちをたたく, おおくちをたたく
Expression, Godan verb
to boast, to brag, to exaggerate
口を叩く, かるくちをたたく
Expression, Godan verb
to crack jokes
口を極めて, 口をきわめて, くちをきわめて
Expression, Adverb
using the strongest words possible, scathingly (criticize, deride, etc.), (praise) to the skies, in the highest possible terms
口を閉ざす, くちをとざす
Expression, Godan verb
to keep one's mouth shut, to refuse to talk
口を糊する, くちをのりする
Expression, Idiomatic expression
to eke out a living, to barely manage to get by
口を尖らす, 口をとがらす, くちをとがらす
Expression, Godan verb, See おちょぼ口をする, See 口を尖らせる・くちをとがらせる
to pout
口をつぐむ, 口を噤む, くちをつぐむ
Godan verb, Expression, Idiomatic expression
to hold one's tongue, to shut up
口を添える, くちをそえる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to put in a word for, to second, to support
口を揃える, 口をそろえる, くちをそろえる
Expression, Ichidan verb, usu. as 口を揃えて
to speak unanimously, to speak in chorus, to speak in unison, to speak in one voice
口を言う, 悪口をいう, わるぐちをいう, わるくちをいう
Expression, Godan verb
to insult, to say something insulting about, to bad-mouth
口を滑らす, 口をすべらす, くちをすべらす
Expression, Godan verb
to make a slip of the tongue, to say something inadvertently, to blurt out without thinking
口を凌ぐ, ここうをしのぐ
Expression, Godan verb
to eke out a living, to get a bare livelihood, to live from hand to mouth
口を切る, こいぐちをきる
Expression, Godan verb
to loosen one's sword slightly in the scabbard
口を封じる, くちをふうじる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to muzzle, to silence
口をたたく, 陰口を叩く, かげぐちをたたく
Expression, Godan verb
to backbite
口を合わせる, くちをあわせる
Expression, Ichidan verb, See 口裏を合わせる
to arrange not to contradict each other
突破口を開く, とっぱこうをひらく
Expression, Godan verb
to make a breakthrough, to break ground