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出す, だす
Conjugated: 出そう
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to take out, to get out
2. to put out, to reveal, to show
3. to submit (e.g. thesis), to turn in
See あぶり出す・あぶりだす
4. to publish, to make public
See 手紙を出す
5. to send (e.g. letter)
See more > common
Expression, after the volitional form of verb
1. to try to ..., to be about to do ...
after the dictionary form of verb
2. to decide to ...
3. to take as, to treat as, to regard as
4. to use for
5. to suppose that (such) is the case, to assume
See more > common
賭する, とする
to stake, to risk, to bet, to wager