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まったく, 全く
Adverb, May take 'no'
1. really, truly, entirely, completely, wholly, perfectly
2. indeed
Interjection, See まったくもう, Usually in kana
3. good grief
See more > common
全い, まったい, またい
Conjugated: 全く
formal or literary term
1. complete, whole, perfect, entire
2. safe
全ク, ぜんクリ
Takes suru, Transitive, video games, Slang, Abbreviation
completion (of a game), completing every level
まったくもう, 全くもう
Expression, Interjection, Usually in kana, expression of exasperation
good grief
全くする, まったくする
Expression, See 全うする
to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out
まったくもって, 全くもって, 全く以て
Expression, See 全く・まったく・1, Usually in kana
as a matter of fact, really, truly, entirely, completely, wholly, perfectly
まったくのところ, 全くのところ, 全くの所
Expression, Usually in kana, Rare
全くと言っていいほど, まったくといっていいほど
Expression, Adverb, with neg. sentence
(not) at all, absolutely (not)