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先生, せんせい
1. teacher, instructor, master
Noun, used as a suffix, Honorific or respectful
2. sensei, title or form of address for a teacher, master, doctor, lawyer, etc.
Familiar language, Humorous term
3. intimate or teasing form of address
Archaism, orig. meaning
4. one's elder
See more > common
先生, せんじょう, せんしょう, ぜんじょう
See 先生・せんせい・1, Archaism
1. teacher, instructor, master
See 前生, Buddhist term
2. previous existence
先生, シーサン
Honorific or respectful, Rare
man, boy
1. but, however, though, nevertheless, still, yet, even so, also, as well, no matter how, even if, even though
2. ... or something
as 〜でも〜でも
3. either ... or ..., neither ... nor ...
Prefix, before an occupation, etc.
4. pseudo-, quack, in-name-only
See でもしか
5. for lack of anything better to do
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