あう, 会う, 逢う, 遭う, 遇う
Conjugated: 会ったら
Godan verb, Intransitive, 逢う is often used for close friends, etc. and may be associated with drama or pathos; 遭う may have an undesirable nuance
1. to meet, to encounter, to see
Usually in kana, esp. 遭う when in kanji
2. to have an accident, to have a bad experience
おはよう, お早う
Interjection, See おはようございます, Usually in kana, used at any time of the day in some industries and workplaces
good morning
Particle, Conjunction
1. if, when
2. and
3. with
4. used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
See と金, Shogi term, Abbreviation
5. promoted pawn