今のうち, 今の内, いまのうち
Expression, usu. ~に
now (while the time is ripe), while one still can
今の時代, いまのじだい
modern times, the modern age, this day and age
今のなし, 今の無し, 今のナシ, いまのなし, いまのナシ
Expression, Colloquialism
forget it, forget what I just said, scratch that, check that
今のまま, 今の儘, いまのまま
the way things are now, current condition
今のとこ, いまのとこ
Expression, Adverb, See 今のところ, Colloquialism
at present, currently, so far, for now, for the time being
今のところ, 今の所, いまのところ
Expression, Adverb
at present, currently, so far, for now, for the time being
今の今まで, いまのいままで
Expression, more emphatic than 今まで
till just now