大人に なる , おとなになる
Expression , Godan verb
to grow up , to become an adult
一人に つき , ひとりにつき
per capita , per person
大人ニ キビ , 大人にきび , 大人面皰 , おとなニキビ , おとなにきび
adult acne
一人に する , 独りにする , ひとりにする
Expression , oft. 一人にして
to leave (someone) alone , to leave to oneself , to leave (someone) be
死人に 口なし , 死人に 口無し , しにんにくちなし
Expression , Proverb
dead men tell no tales , the dead cannot speak in their own defense
主人に 仕える , しゅじんにつかえる
Expression , Ichidan verb
to serve a master , to serve one's employer faithfully
盗人に 追い銭 , ぬすっとにおいせん
Expression , Idiomatic expression
throwing good money after bad
人に 歴史あり, ひとにれきしあり
Expression , Proverb
everyone has a past , every person has their own history
娘一人に 婿八人 , むすめひとりにむこはちにん
Expression , Idiomatic expression
being besieged by suitors , to be popular , eight suitors for one daughter
盗人に も三分の理 , ぬすびとにもさんぶのり
Expression , Proverb
the wrongdoer never lacks a pretext , even thieves have their reasons , give the devil his due
各人に 彼のものを , かくじんにかれのものを
Expression , Proverb
to each his own , may all get their due , suum cuique
他人に 厳しく自分に甘い , たにんにきびしくじぶんにあまい
hard on others but easy on oneself
杖に縋るとも人に 縋るな , つえにすがるともひとにすがるな
Expression , Proverb
don't be a burden to others , lean on your cane, but don't lean on others
己の欲せざる所は人に 施す勿れ , 己の欲せざる所は人に 施すなかれ , おのれのほっせざるところはひとにほどこすなかれ
Expression , Proverb , from the Analects of Confucius
do not do unto others what you would not have done unto you
人我に辛ければ我また人に 辛し , ひとわれにつらければわれまたひとにつらし
be mean to me and I'll be mean in return , I'll treat them as badly as they treat me
人に は添うてみよ馬には乗ってみよ, 人に は添うて見よ馬には乗って見よ , ひとにはそうてみようまにはのってみよ
Expression , Proverb
you can't judge someone until you've spent time with them , you can't judge something until you've tried it , judge a man by living with him, and try a horse by riding him
馬には乗ってみよ人に は添うてみよ , 馬には乗って見よ人に は添うて見よ , うまにはのってみよひとにはそうてみよ
Expression , See 人には添うてみよ馬には乗ってみよ・ひとにはそうてみようまにはのってみよ , Proverb
you can't judge someone until you've spent time with them , you can't judge something until you've tried it , try a horse by riding him, and judge a man by living with him
人に 善言を与うるは布帛よりも煖かなり, ひとにぜんげんをあたうるはふはくよりもあたたかなり
Expression , Proverb
words provide more warmth than cloth