予定, よてい
Takes suru, Transitive
plans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate
予定表, よていひょう
schedule, program, programme, itinerary
予定案, よていあん
program, programme, prospectus
予定日, よていび
1. scheduled date, expected date
See 出産予定日, Abbreviation
2. date a baby is due, expected delivery date, due date
予定外, よていがい
May take 'no', NA-adjective
unexpected, unscheduled, unforeseen, unplanned
予定者, よていしゃ
person in line (for ...), person expected to ...
予定死, よていし
Biology term
予定稿, よていこう
pre-prepared article
予定期日, よていきじつ
prearranged date
予定通り, 予定どおり, よていどおり
Adverb, May take 'no'
as planned, according to plan
予定納税, よていのうぜい
prepayment of income taxes
予定価格, よていかかく
estimated price, price estimate
休暇予定, きゅうかよてい
holiday plans
廃止予定, はいしよてい
Computer terminology
予定変更, よていへんこう
change of schedule, schedule change
行事予定, ぎょうじよてい
schedule of events, calendar of events
出産予定日, しゅっさんよていび
date a baby is due, expected delivery date, due date
分娩予定日, ぶんべんよていび
See 予定日・2, See 出産予定日
date a baby is due, expected delivery date, due date
予定から外す, よていからはずす
Expression, Godan verb
to exclude from the schedule
予定を変える, よていをかえる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to change the schedule, to change one's plans
廃止予定事項, はいしよていじこう
Computer terminology
obsolescent feature
到着予定時刻, とうちゃくよていじこく
estimated time of arrival, ETA
出発予定時刻, しゅっぱつよていじこく
estimated time of departure, ETD
お届け予定日, おとどけよていび
estimated delivery date
予定調和, よていちょうわ
1. pre-established harmony (Leibniz theory), harmonie préétablie
2. (events) proceeding in a predictable fashion, turning out the way everyone expected, convention