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並ぶ, 列ぶ, 双ぶ, ならぶ
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to line up, to stand in a line
2. to rival, to match, to equal
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立ち並ぶ, 建ち並ぶ, 立並ぶ, たちならぶ
Godan verb, Intransitive, 建ち並ぶ refers to buildings
1. to stand in a row (e.g. shops on a street), to line in a row
Only 立ち並ぶ, Only 立並ぶ
2. to be equal to, to be on a par with
並ぶ, いならぶ
Godan verb, Intransitive
to sit in a row, to be arrayed
並ぶ, あいならぶ
Godan verb
to line up with