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並ぶ, 列ぶ, 双ぶ, ならぶ
Conjugated: 並ば...
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to line up, to stand in a line
2. to rival, to match, to equal
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, , なみ
May take 'no'
1. average, medium, common, ordinary
2. mid-grade (item), regular grade
Noun, used as a suffix
3. same level as, equal to, equivalent to, on par with
4. each (e.g. month), every
5. row of (teeth, houses, etc.), line of
See more > common
1. if ... then, when
often ...も...ば...も...
2. and
sentence final
3. why don't you...?
often ...ば...ほど
4. the more (one does something)
5. because, since
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