上手, じょうず, じょうて, じょうしゅ
NA-adjective, Antonym: 下手・へた・1
1. skillful, skilled, proficient, good (at), adept, clever
2. flattery
うまい, 上手い, 美味い, 旨い, 巧い, 甘い, 美い
Conjugated: 上手
Usually in kana, esp. 上手い, 巧い
1. skillful, skilful, skilled, good, expert, clever (expression, trick, etc.), apt, appropriate
esp. 旨い, 美味い, 甘い
2. delicious, tasty, nice
esp. 旨い
3. good (deal, idea, etc.), profitable, promising, lucky, fortunate, successful, satisfactory, splendid
上手, うわて, かみて
1. upper part
Only かみて
2. upper stream, upper course of a river
3. right side of the stage (audience's or camera's POV), stage left (actor's POV)
Only うわて
4. skillful (in comparisons), dexterity
Sumo term
5. over-arm grip on opponent's belt
Auxiliary verb, copula, See である, See です, plain copula
be, is
た, だ
Auxiliary verb, だ after certain verb forms; indicates past or completed action
1. did, (have) done
indicates mild imperative
2. (please) do