いっぱい, 一杯, 1杯, 一盃
May take 'no'
1. one cup (of), one glass (of), one bowl (of), cupful, glassful, bowlful, spoonful
2. one drink (of alcohol)
NA-adjective, Noun, used as a suffix, Usually in kana
3. full, filled (with), brimming (with), crowded, packed
4. fully, to capacity, to the maximum, as much as possible
5. a lot, many
精一杯, せいいっぱい
1. the best one can do, one's best effort
2. with all one's might, to the best of one's ability, as hard as possible
手一杯, 手いっぱい, ていっぱい
having one's hands full, not having any room to do more, at the limit
目一杯, 目いっぱい, めいっぱい
Adverb, May take 'no', NA-adjective
to the limit, to the full, as much as possible, with all one's might
一杯機嫌, いっぱい機嫌, いっぱいきげん
May take 'no', NA-adjective
tipsy, a little drunk, slightly intoxicated
いっぱいいっぱい, 一杯一杯, 一杯々々
NA-adjective, Adverb, Usually in kana
1. to the limit, to the fullest extent, absolutely the limit, the best one can do, breaking even
2. one cup after another, cup by cup
一杯食う, いっぱい食う, いっぱいくう
Expression, Godan verb
to be deceived
一杯やる, いっぱいやる
Expression, Godan verb
to have a drink, to have a few drinks
一杯食わす, いっぱい食わす, いっぱいくわす
Expression, Godan verb
to play a trick on, to cheat, to deceive, to dupe
一杯飲み屋, 一杯呑み屋, いっぱい飲み屋, いっぱい呑み屋, 一杯飲屋, 一杯呑屋, いっぱいのみや
cheap drinking spot (pub, tavern, etc.)
ちょっと一杯, ちょっといっぱい
let's have a quick drink
一杯食わせる, いっぱい食わせる, いっぱいくわせる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to play a trick on, to cheat, to deceive, to dupe
一杯引っ掛ける, 一杯ひっかける, 一杯引っかける, いっぱいひっかける
Expression, Ichidan verb, See 引っ掛ける・ひっかける・4
to have a drink, to grab a drink
腹いっぱい, 腹一杯, はらいっぱい
1. having a full stomach, being full
2. to one's heart's content
力いっぱい, 力一杯, ちからいっぱい
Expression, Adverb
with all one's strength, with might and main, as hard as one can
胸いっぱい, 胸一杯, むねいっぱい
See 胸がいっぱいになる
1. getting a lump in one's throat, overflowing with feelings
May take 'no'
2. chest full of, lungs full of
元気いっぱい, 元気一杯, げんきいっぱい
NA-adjective, May take 'no', Adverb
brimming with health (vigor, vigour), full of vitality, full of health
お腹いっぱい, お腹一杯, おなかいっぱい
May take 'no', Adverb
1. full stomach, bellyful, (eat) heartily
2. to one's heart's content
頭がいっぱい, 頭が一杯, あたまがいっぱい
Expression, Idiomatic expression
being preoccupied with, being obsessed, only thinking of, having only ... on one's mind
胸がいっぱいになる, 胸が一杯になる, むねがいっぱいになる
Expression, Godan verb, See 胸一杯・1
to get a lump in one's throat, to overflow with feelings, to be overwhelmed with emotion