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See いろは順
1. 7th (in a sequence denoted by the iroha system)
Music term, used mainly in key names
2. G (note)
, 土, と
See 土耳古・トルコ・1, Abbreviation, Usually in kana
Particle, Conjunction
1. if, when
2. and
3. with
4. used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
See と金, Shogi term, Abbreviation
5. promoted pawn
See more > common
Noun or verb acting prenominally
1. merry
2. (baby) mobile, nursery mobile, crib mobile
See more > common
Particle, pronounced わ in modern Japanese
1. indicates sentence topic
2. indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
3. adds emphasis
See more > common
, 御,
Prefix, See 御・ご・1, Honorific or respectful, Polite, Humble, Usually in kana, usu. before a term with a kun-yomi reading; おん is more formal
honorific/polite/humble prefix
See more > common
oh! (expression of slight surprise)