洋画, ようが
See 日本画
1. Western painting
See 邦画・1
2. Western film, Western movie
陽画, ようが
See ポジ, See 陰画, photography
幼芽, ようが
May take 'no'
(wheat) germ
溶岩, 熔岩, ようがん
8日, 八日, ようか
1. 8th day of the month
2. eight days
洋楽, ようがく
See 邦楽
Western music, European music
洋菓子, ようがし
Western confectionery
蛹化, ようか
Takes suru
溶化, ようか
Takes suru
melting, smelting
洋画家, ようがか
artist who produces Western-style paintings
瑶顔, ようがん
beautiful face, exquisite countenance
洋芥子, 洋辛子, 洋がらし, ようがらし
See マスタード, Food term
用がある, 用が有る, ようがある
Expression, Godan verb
to have (urgent) business, to have something one needs to attend to, to have something one wants to say (to someone)
洋学, ようがく
historical term
Western learning (introduced to Japan in the late-Edo and early-Meiji periods)
用が足せる, ようがたせる
Expression, Ichidan verb
1. to make oneself understood (in some language)
See 用を足す・ようをたす・2
2. to be able to relieve oneself
幼芽鞘, ようがしょう
coleoptile, acrospire
洋学校, ようがっこう
historical term
Western school, school dedicated to the study of the West and Western languages (late Edo and Meiji periods)
用が足りる, ようがたりる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to do the job, to do the business
洋傘, ようがさ, ようさん
See 和傘
(Western-style) umbrella, parasol
要害, ようがい
1. stronghold, fortress
May take 'no'
2. strategic position, key position
要害堅固, ようがいけんご
May take 'no', yojijukugo
(a fortress being) impregnable, unassailable
容顔美麗, ようがんびれい
beautiful face, attractive features
溶岩台地, ようがんだいち
lava plateau
妖花, ようか
enchantingly beautiful flower, bewitching beauty
溶岩トンネル, ようがんトンネル
lava tunnel
溶岩尖塔, ようがんせんとう
lava spine
溶岩円頂丘, ようがんえんちょうきゅう
lava dome
ヨウ化, 沃化, ヨウか, ようか
Takes suru, Intransitive
iodization, iodisation
言いようがない, 言い様がない, 言様がない, いいようがない
Expression, See 言いようのない
indescribable, having no way to express