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以ちまして, もちまして
Expression, See もって・1, Polite, as をもちまして
1. with, by, by means of
See もって・2
2. because of, on account of, for, due to
See もって・3, usu. as をもちまして
3. on (a day, date), at (a time), as of (e.g. today)
Conjunction, See もって・6
4. therefore, and so, hence
持つ, もつ
Conjugated: もちまして
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to hold (in one's hand), to take, to carry
2. to possess, to have, to own
3. to maintain, to keep
4. to last, to be durable, to survive
5. to take charge of, to be in charge of
See more > common
保つ, たもつ, もつ
Conjugated: もちまして
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to keep, to preserve, to hold, to retain, to maintain, to sustain
2. to last, to endure, to keep well (food), to wear well, to be durable
See more > common
おかげをもちまして, お陰をもちまして, おかげを持ちまして, お陰を持ちまして
Expression, See おかげさまで・2, Polite, Usually in kana
thanks to your assistance, thanks to your help, thanks to your support
おかげさまをもちまして, お陰様をもちまして, おかげさまを持ちまして, お陰様を持ちまして
Expression, See おかげをもちまして, Polite, Usually in kana
thanks to your assistance, thanks to your help, thanks to your support