まで, 迄
Particle, Usually in kana
1. until (a time), till, to, up to
2. to (a place or person), as far as
3. to (an extent), so far as, even
4. only, merely
Expression, nuance of comparison
up to ... (e.g. items), until ... (times), as far as
までに, 迄に
Adverb, Usually in kana
by, not later than, before
までも, 迄も
Expression, See まで・3, Usually in kana, more emphatic than まで
1. to (an extent), up to, so far as, even
See までもない, as ...までもない
2. there is no need to ..., it should hardly be necessary to ...
as ...ないまでも
3. even if there is no need to ... (at least ...)
マデイラ酒, マデイラしゅ
Madeira wine
までもない, までも無い
Expression, Usually in kana, after a verb
there is no need to ..., it should hardly be necessary to ...
マディソン郡の橋, マディソンぐんのはし
work of art, literature, music
The Bridges of Madison County (1992 novel by Robert James Waller, 1995 film)
今まで, 今迄, いままで
until now, till now, up to now, up to the present, so far
いつまで, 何時まで, 何時迄
Adverb, Usually in kana
how long?, till when?
言うまでもない, 言うまでも無い, 言う迄も無い, 言う迄もない, いうまでもない, ゆうまでもない
goes without saying, needless to say, obvious
どこまでも, 何処までも, 何処迄も
Adverb, Usually in kana
1. anywhere, for all time, to the ends of the earth
2. through thick and thin, come hell or high water, to the bitter end, to the utmost
3. persistently, stubbornly
4. in all respects, on every point
5. thoroughly, exhaustively
おかげさまで, お陰様で, お蔭様で, お陰さまで, おかげ様で, 御陰様で, 御蔭様で
Expression, Polite, Usually in kana
1. thankfully, fortunately, luckily, by God's grace, under the gods' shadow
2. thanks to your (his, their, everyone's, etc.) kindness, thanks to your assistance, thanks to your support, thanks to your efforts
ごちそうさまでした, ご馳走様でした, ご馳走さまでした, 御馳走様でした
Expression, Polite, Usually in kana
thank you for the meal, that was a delicious meal, what a wonderful meal
さまで, 然迄
Adverb, Usually in kana
so much
みなまで, 皆まで
Adverb, Usually in kana
to the end, entirely, in full
これまで, これ迄, 此れまで, 是迄, 此れ迄
Expression, May take 'no', Usually in kana
1. so far, up to now, hitherto
2. that's enough (for today), it ends here
そこまで, 其処まで
Expression, Usually in kana
1. that far, so far, to that extent
2. stop!, not one step further!
どこまで, 何処まで, 何処迄
Adverb, Usually in kana
how far, to what extent, up to what point
今では, いまでは
now, nowadays
今でも, いまでも
even now, still, as yet
今出来, いまでき
something new (of poor quality)
最後まで, さいごまで
to the end, to the last
年までに, ねんまでに
before the year ...
あくまで, 飽くまで, 飽く迄
Adverb, Usually in kana
1. to the end, to the bitter end, to the last, stubbornly, persistently, consistently, to the utmost
2. after all, it must be remembered, only, purely, simply
それまで, 其れまで, それ迄, 其れ迄, 其迄
Expression, Usually in kana
1. until then, till then, up to that time
2. to that extent
3. the end of it, all there is to it
年末まで, 年末迄, ねんまつまで
before the end of this year
今までで, いままでで
Expression, usu. used in superlative clauses together with 一番, 最も, 最悪, etc.
to date, as of now
至るまで, 至る迄, いたるまで
Expression, as ~に至るまで
1. up through, up until, down to
as ~から~に至るまで
2. from ... to ... (e.g. from head to toe), everything from ... to ...
末代まで, まつだいまで
Expression, May take 'no'
forever, eternally, for generations to come
熊手, くまで
rake, fork, bamboo rake
絵馬殿, えまでん
shrine building where votive picture tablets are hung