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実に, 實に, じつに, げに, まことに
Adverb, See 誠に・まことに
indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite
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誠に, 真に, 寔に, 洵に, まことに, しんに
Adverb, See 実に・じつに
indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite
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すみません, 済みません
Expression, Interjection, Usually in kana, Polite, used to apologize or get someone's attention
1. excuse me, pardon me, I'm sorry, I beg your pardon
2. thank you, you shouldn't have, it's too much
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住む, すむ
Conjugated: すみません
Godan verb, Intransitive, See 棲む
to live (of humans), to reside, to inhabit, to dwell, to abide
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済む, すむ
Conjugated: すみません
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to finish, to end, to be completed
2. to merely result in something less severe than expected
3. to feel at ease
in the negative
4. to feel unease or guilt for troubling someone, to be sorry
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澄む, 清む, すむ
Conjugated: すみません
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to become clear (water, air, etc.), to become transparent
2. to resonate clearly (e.g. voice)
3. to become serene, to become tranquil, to be free of worries
See 清音・1
4. to pronounce as an unvoiced sound
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棲む, 栖む, すむ
Conjugated: すみません
Godan verb, Intransitive, See 住む
to live (of animals), to inhabit, to nest
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1. indicates the subject of a sentence
literary in modern Japanese; usu. written as ヶ in place names
2. indicates possession
3. but, however, (and) yet, though, although, while
4. and
5. used after an introductory remark or explanation
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