1. at (place, time), in, on, during
2. to (direction, state), toward, into
3. for (purpose)
4. because of (reason), with
5. by, from
即する, 則する, そくする
Conjugated: 則し
to conform to, to agree with, to be adapted to, to be based on
Auxiliary, See で・5, で after certain verb forms
indicates continuing action
って, て
Particle, See と・4, casual quoting particle
1. you said, he said, she said, they said
See たって・1, after a verb in the past tense
2. even if
as in かって; indicates a satirical or rhetorical question
3. do you seriously think that
indicates certainty, insistence, emphasis, etc.
4. I already told you, you should know by now that, of course
abbr. of という
5. the said ...