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につけ, に付け
Expression, Usually in kana, following a verb of cognition, e.g. 見る, 思う
1. every time, whenever, as
as ...につけ...につけ
2. whether, in (either case)
煮付け, 煮つけ, 煮付, につけ
vegetables or fish boiled in soy sauce
につけ, に付けて
Expression, Usually in kana, following a verb of cognition, e.g. 見る, 思う
1. every time, whenever, as
as ...につけて...につけて
2. whether, in (either case)
似つく, 似付く, につく
Conjugated: につけ
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to closely resemble
2. to suit well, to match well, to go well with
煮付ける, につけ
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to cook hard
につけ, 身に付ける, 身に着ける, みにつけ
Expression, Ichidan verb
1. to learn, to acquire knowledge
2. to carry, to wear (clothes, etc.), to put on
See more > common
なにかにつけ, 何かにつけ, 何かに付け, 何彼につけ
Expression, See なにかにつけて, Usually in kana
in various ways, in all sorts of ways, at every opportunity, whenever there is a chance
何事につけ, 何事に付け, なにごとにつけ
no matter what it is, in every case
何かにつけ, 何かに付けて, 何彼につけ, なにかにつけ
in various ways, in all sorts of ways, at every opportunity, whenever there is a chance
塩に漬ける, しおにつけ
Expression, Ichidan verb
to preserve in salt
役に就ける, やくにつけ
Expression, Ichidan verb
to place someone in a position
味方につけ, 味方に付ける, みかたにつけ
Expression, Ichidan verb
to enlist as a supporter, to win over to one's side, to gain as one's ally
弱みにつけこむ, 弱みに付け込む, 弱みにつけ込む, よわみにつけこむ
Expression, Godan verb
to take advantage of (someone's) weakness
足元につけ込む, 足元に付け込む, 足下につけ込む, 足下に付け込む, あしもとにつけこむ
Expression, Godan verb, See 足下を見る, Rare
to take advantage (of another's weakness)
足を地に付けて, あしをちにつけ
with steady steps, with one's feet planted on the ground
帳簿に付ける, 帳簿につけ, ちょうぼにつけ
Expression, Ichidan verb
to enter in an account book
液体に浸ける, 液体に漬ける, 液体につけ, えきたいにつけ
Expression, Ichidan verb
to dunk (e.g. food in a drink)
アホにつける薬なし, 阿呆に付ける薬なし, アホにつけるくすりなし, あほうにつけるくすりなし
Expression, See 馬鹿に付ける薬はない, Proverb
there's no medicine for stupidity
馬鹿につける薬はない, バカにつける薬はない, 馬鹿につける薬は無い, 馬鹿に付ける薬はない, ばかにつけるくすりはない
Expression, Proverb
a born fool is never cured, there is no cure for stupidity, there is no medicine for fools
良きにつけ悪しきにつけ, よきにつけあしきにつけ
for better or worse, for good or for evil