どの, 何の
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi), See この・1, See その・1, See あの, Usually in kana
which, what (way)
殿, どの
Suffix, Polite, form of address used for official letters and business letters, and in letters to inferiors
Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms.
どのよう, どの様, 何の様
Expression, NA-adjective, Usually in kana
what sort, what kind
どのくらい, どの位, どのぐらい
Expression, Adverb, See どれくらい, Usually in kana
how long, how far, how much
どのように, どの様に, 何の様に
Expression, Adverb, See どの様・どのよう, Usually in kana
how, in what way
どの辺, 何の辺, どのへん
1. whereabouts, what part
2. how much, what point
殿, との
Pronoun, Honorific or respectful
1. feudal lord
2. mansion, palace
Expression, usu. ~がどうの~がどうの
something or other, this and that, one thing this, another thing that, blah blah blah
どのあたり, どの辺り, 何のあたり
Expression, Usually in kana
どの場合にも, どのばあいにも
in any case, in either case, whichever the case may be
どの面下げて, どの面さげて, どのつらさげて
how could I (you, etc.) ...?, how dare you (they, etc.) ..., how can you have the nerve to ...?
どの口が言う, どの口がいう, どのくちがいう
Expression, Godan verb
look who's talking, I don't want to hear it from you, are you in any position to say that?
どのみち, どの道, 何の道
Adverb, Usually in kana
anyway, anyhow, at any rate, in any case
度の強い眼鏡, どのつよいめがね
powerful spectacles, strong glasses
我殿, 和殿, 吾殿, わどの
Pronoun, Archaism, familiar or derogatory
樋殿, 楲殿, ひどの
仮殿, 権殿, かりどの, ごんでん
Shinto term
temporary shrine (houses the object in which the deity resides when main shrine is under repairs)
相殿, あいどの, あいでん
enshrinement of two or more deities in one building of a shrine, shrine building dedicated to two or more deities
玉殿, たまどの
alias for fox (from a statue in the Inarimae shrine)
渡殿, 渡り殿, わたどの, わたりどの
See 寝殿造
roofed corridor connecting two buildings (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
舞殿, まいどの
See 神楽殿
court music pavilion in a Shinto shrine, kagura hall
酒殿, さかどの
sake brewery
角のある, かどのある
Expression, Noun or verb acting prenominally
angled, angular
窓の桟, まどのさん
window frame, window sill
祓殿, はらえどの, はらいどの, はらいでん
purification hall of a Shinto shrine
江戸上り, えどのぼり
See 謝恩使, See 慶賀使
Ryukyuan mission to Edo
八尋殿, やひろどの
grand palace
江戸の華, えどのはな
Expression, Obsolete term
widespread fires in Edo (often after earthquakes), flowers of Edo
馬場殿, 馬場の殿, うまばどの, ばばどの, うまばのおとど
See 武徳殿・1, Archaism
building for observing horse racing, horseback archery, etc. (sometimes specifically that used by the emperor on the greater palace grounds)
湯殿, ゆどの
See 風呂場, dated term
1. bathroom
2. bathing
3. bathing attendant (for a noble)
ほとんどの人, 殆どの人, ほとんどのひと
almost everyone
とどのつまり, とどの詰まり, 鯔のつまり, 鯔の詰まり
Expression, Adverb, See とど・1, Usually in kana, とど is the last of the names used to refer to the striped mullet at its various stages of growth
in the end, after all is said and done
喉の痛み, のどの痛み, のどのいたみ
sore throat